Oral Cancer Screening
The risks of oral cancer are not as widely publicized as other cancers, making it difficult for the average person to recognize the signs. At Tejal A. Kakade, DMD, MAGD, PC, we are committed to providing our patients with a heightened awareness of the telltale symptoms of oral cancer. Detecting these signs when treatment is still effective could save your life. You may have mouth cancer if you are experiencing symptoms like:
- Mouth or lip sore that doesn’t heal
- A white or reddish patch inside the mouth
- Teeth that have become loose
- Growths inside the mouth
- Pain in the mouth
- Ear pain
- Finding it difficult or painful to swallow
It is important that you do not ignore these symptoms. Tejal A. Kakade, DMD, MAGD, PC, can provide oral cancer screening during a routine examination or on-demand. Do not delay in making an appointment of you have concerns about abnormal oral health problems.
Identify Mouth Cancer Early
Early intervention is important when it comes to treating mouth cancer. The problem is that a diagnosis is often made when the disease has already progressed. To ensure that you receive the treatment you need, ask about mouth cancer screening from Tejal A. Kakade, DMD, MAGD, PC.
While Dr. Tejal cannot offer treatment for mouth cancer, we can give you a fighting chance against this life-threatening condition. Mouth cancer screening is only a phone call away, so pick up the phone today if you have any of the symptoms outlined above.
To learn more about mouth cancer and the oral cancer screening process, feel free to contact Tejal A. Kakade, DMD, MAGD, PC, in Carrollton today. Your continued good health is important to Dr. Tejal and her team of dedicated dental professionals.